鵑形目 Cuculiformes,來自拉丁文的 cuculus (杜鵑鳥,與雄鳥交配的叫聲相呼應) 和拉丁文的 -fōrmis (形狀),意思是「杜鵑形狀」,說明這些動物是有杜鵑形狀的和跟杜鵑有關係。
Cuculiformes, Latin cuculus (“cuckoo”, echoic of the male bird's mating cry) and Latin -fōrmis (“-shaped”), means “cuckoo-shaped”, in reference to the fact that these animals are all cuckoo-shaped and cuckoo-related.
種的俗名 Common names of members
杜鵑、走鵑、噪鵑、地鵑、馬島鵑、鴉鵑、犀鵑。 Cuckoos, roadrunners, koels, malkohas, couas, coucals, and anis.
分佈 Distribution
Worldwide, absent only from the southwest of South America, the far north and northwest of North America, and the driest areas of the Middle East and North Africa.
體型 Size
They range from 15 cm in length up to 60–80 cm.
形態 Morphology
They are arboreal species, which are slender and have short tarsi, and terrestrial species, which are heavier set and have long tarsi, are the two primary body shapes. The long tails of almost all species are utilized as a rudder during flying in arboreal species and as a means of steering in terrestrial species. The shape of the wings also depends on the lifestyle; migratory species have long, narrow wings that allow for strong, direct flight, whereas terrestrial and sedentary species have shorter, rounded wings that allow for more laborious, gliding flight. They have fairly loose-webbed feathers and slightly down curved beak.
生態及棲息地 Ecology & Habitat
The majority of species are found in woodlands and forests, mostly in the tropical evergreen rainforests. Certain species live in mangrove forests and deserts, or are even confined there.
食性 Diet
The majority are insectivorous, with a focus on larger insects and caterpillars; however, there are some species that are specialized in consuming small rodents, birds, lizards, and snakes. Only a tiny percentage is frugivorous.
繁殖 Reproduction
The majority are monogamous, although several species do exhibit polyandry. A significant portion of them engage in brood parasitism, although the majority construct their own nests.
Total species known
Species in the collection
Species in Hong Kong
References 參考文獻
del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D. A. (2010). Handbook of the Birds of the World Series. Lynx Edicions.
Lovette, I. J., Fitzpatrick, J. W. (2016). Handbook of Bird Biology. Wiley-Blackwell.
Gill, F. B., Prum, R. O. (2019). Ornithology. W.H. Freeman & Co. Ltd.