半翅目 Hemiptera

Heteroptera(異翅目)源於希臘語,“hetero-”意為不同,“ptera ”意為翅膀,指的是前翅近基部(革質)與先端(膜質)的質地不同。
Greek Origins of Name: Heteroptera, derived from the Greek “hetero-” meaning different and “ptera” meaning wings, refers to the fact that the texture of the front wings is different near the base (leathery) than at the apex (membranous).
種的俗名 Common names of members
True bugs, stink bugs, smelly bugs
分佈 Distribution
Every continent except Antarctica
形態描述 Morphology
觸角通常分為 4 或 5 節
Piercing and sucking mouthparts
Hardened forewing with a leathery base and a membranous tip;
Compressed body
Antennae usually divided into 4 or 5 segments
生態與棲息地 Habitat & Ecology
Mostly terrestrial, while some are living on freshwater surfaces
食性 Diet
植物汁液、 有些會捕食其他昆蟲或無脊椎動物
Plant sap, some to prey on other insects or invertebrates
小知識 Fun Fact
臭蟲的口器包含一個向外輸送唾液和一個向內輸送液態食物的獵物通道。捕食時臭蟲會將口器刺入獵物體內,並通過口器釋放唾液。當註入的酶將獵物消化成液體時,蟲子會用 “吸管 ”吸吮液化的食物。
The stylet contains a channel for the outward movement of saliva and another for the inward movement of liquid food- the prey. The predacious bug would pierce its mouthpart into the prey and release saliva through the stylet. While the enzyme injected is digesting the prey, which is turned into liquid, the bug would suck the liquified food with its “straw”.
已知的物種 Total species known
博物館收藏的物種 Species in the collection
在香港已知的物種 Species in Hong Kong
Hemiptera - bugs, aphids, cicadas. (2024). Csiro.au.
Gullan, P.J.; Cranston, P.S. (2014). The Insects: An Outline of Entomology, 5th Edition. Wiley.
Chinery, Michael (1993). Insects of Britain and Northern Europe (3rd ed.). Collins.
Body shape is laterally compressed. (2024). Lucidcentral.org. https://keys.lucidcentral.org/keys/cpitt/public/Insects/html/flatbody.htm
"Hemiptera". Discover Life.
Ruppert, Edward E.; Fox, Richard, S.; Barnes, Robert D. (2004). Invertebrate Zoology, 7th edition. Cengage Learning. pp. 728, 748
ITIS - Report: Hemiptera. (2024). Itis.gov. https://www.itis.gov/servlet/SingleRpt/SingleRpt?search_topic=TSN&search_value=103359#null
Siu, C., & Lau, K. (n.d.). CHECKLIST OF INSECTS OF HONG KONG. https://www.afcd.gov.hk/english/quarantine/qua_plants/files/Checklist.pdf