廣翅目 Neuroptera

Neuroptera 來自希臘文 (neuro = nerve; pteron = wing),指的是翅脈呈網狀的特性。
The order name Neuroptera is derived from Greek (neuro means nerve; pteron means wing) and refers to the reticulate nature of the wing venation.
種的俗名 Common names of members
Lacewings, mantidflies, and antlions
分佈 Distribution
Every continent except Antarctica with the greatest diversity occurring in tropical and temperate regions
形態描述 Morphology
With large compound eye
Chewing mouthparts with strong mandibles
Antennae that are usually longer than the head and thorax combined
Two pairs of equally sized wings
Have major wing veins near the margins of the wings
生態與棲息地 Habitat & Ecology
Typically are found on
食性 Diet
成蟲是泛食性雜食動物,伺機取食軟體昆蟲、花粉和蜜露。而幼蟲 (幾個科的幼蟲) 食性為高度專門化的,例如,草蜻蛉幼蟲以蚜蟲和其他軟體節肢動物 (如早期的毛蟲和蟎) 為食。
Adults are generalist omnivores, feeding opportunistically on soft-bodied insects, pollen, and honeydew. While larvae (in several families) have highly specialized in its diet, for example, common lacewings larvae feed on aphids and other soft-bodied arthropods like early caterpillars and mites.
小知識 Fun Fact
Families under this order have different ways against predators. Some families have setae holding items of debris on their backs and use this “trash packet” as camouflage and as a shield against predators. Beaded lacewings mimic a twig by swaying gently when a potential predator is detected. While certain lacewing emits an offensive odor to scare off predators.
已知的物種 Total species known
博物館收藏的物種 Species in the collection
在香港已知的物種 Species in Hong Kong
Timothy Gibb, Chapter 4 - Insect Identification Techniques, Editor(s): Timothy Gibb, Contemporary Insect Diagnostics, Academic Press, 2015, Pages 67-151, ISBN 9780124046238, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-404623-8.00004-1.
Neuroptera - lacewings, antlions. (2024). Csiro.au. https://www.ento.csiro.au/education/insects/neuroptera.html#:~:text=Lacewings%20are%20common%20throughout%20most,in%20suburban%20gardens%20and%20homes.
Neuroptera - Royal Entomological Society. (2022, January 13). Royal Entomological Society. https://www.royensoc.co.uk/understanding-insects/classification-of-insects/neuroptera/#:~:text=Worldwide%20there%20are%20around%206%2C000,70%20species%20in%206%20families.
Yule, Catherine & Yong, Hoi Sen. (2012). 38. Megaloptera and Neuroptera.
Catherine A. Tauber, Maurice J. Tauber, Gilberto S. Albuquerque, Chapter 181 - Neuroptera: (Lacewings, Antlions), Editor(s): Vincent H. Resh, Ring T. Cardé, Encyclopedia of Insects (Second Edition), Academic Press, 2009, Pages 695-707, ISBN 9780123741448, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-374144-8.00190-9.
Neuroptera - lacewings, antlions. (2024). Csiro.au. https://www.ento.csiro.au/education/insects/neuroptera.html
Siu, C., & Lau, K. (n.d.). CHECKLIST OF INSECTS OF HONG KONG. https://www.afcd.gov.hk/english/quarantine/qua_plants/files/Checklist.pdf
ITIS - Report: Neuroptera. (2024). Itis.gov. https://www.itis.gov/servlet/SingleRpt/SingleRpt?search_topic=TSN&search_value=114999#null