Every continent except Antarctica
Terrestrial habitats, mostly found on flowers, leaves, fungi, fruits, and in mosses
Half of the population feed only on fungi like hyphae or spores. Others feed on flowers or green leaves, and very few of them feed on small arthropods
Number of species globally
Number of species in Hong Kong :
Nearly 100
(how to recognize them) :
-Mostly 1 mm long or less
-Body slender
-Fringed wings
-Have unique asymmetrical mouthparts, involving only one mandible
Did you know ?
They don’t undergo metamorphosis. They only have three distinct developmental stages: the egg, nymph, and adult stages. Many thrips species exhibit complex behavioral patterns including fighting, sociality (in which some individuals reduce their own lifetime reproductive potential to raise the offspring of others), and lekking (a communal breeding display on a lek).