食肉目 Carnivora

肉食动物(Carnivora)源于拉丁语 carō("肉、肉體")和拉丁语 -vorus("-吃,-吞噬"),意为 "肉食者",指的是这些动物大多以肉为食,是有肉食行为的動物.
Carnivora, from Latin carō (“meat, flesh”) and Latin -vorus (“-eating, -devouring”), means “meat-eater”, in reference to the fact that the majority of these animals have a meat-based diet, a carnivorous behavior.
種的俗名 Common names of members
狐狸,狼,獅子,老虎,熊,鬣狗,獴,浣熊, 鼬和海豹
Foxes, wolves, lions, tigers, bears, hyenas, mongooses, raccoons, mustelids and seals.
分佈 Distribution
All around the world in both land and aquatic, except Australia with no native terrestrial carnivora.
體型 Size
牠们有大量不同的體型體態,形状和尺寸也多种多样,从 114 毫米、29 克到 6 米、4000 公斤不等.
They come in a very large array of different body plans with a wide diversity of shapes and sizes, from 114 mm and 29 g to 6 m and 4,000 kg
形態描述 Morphology
All species of carnivorans are quadrupedal and most have five digits on the front feet and four digits on the back feet. In terrestrial carnivorans, the feet have soft pads. The feet can either be digitigrade (stands with its toes on the ground) as seen in cats, hyenas and dogs or plantigrade (stands with the toes and metatarsals flat on the ground) as seen in bears, skunks, raccoons, weasels, civets and mongooses. In pinnipeds (seals, walruses), the limbs have been modified into flippers. The canine teeth are usually large, conical, thick and stress resistant. All of the terrestrial species of carnivorans have three incisors on each side of each jaw.
生態與棲息地 Ecology & Habitat
Any kind of forested or unforested environment. They roost in a variety of places, including buildings, caves, tree hollows, and foliage.
食性 Diet
They are insectivorous, though consume other arthropods such as spiders, and employ two main foraging strategies. The first strategy is flying slow and low over the ground, hunting among trees and bushes. Some species who use this strategy are able to hover over prey and glean them from the substrate. The other strategy is known as perch feeding: individuals roost on feeding perches and wait for prey to fly past, then fly out to capture it.
大多数物种的食物以肉类为主(昆虫、鸟类、爬行动物、两栖动物、鱼类、哺乳动物等),但也有许多 物种以杂食(水果、坚果、蜂蜜等)作为补充.
Reproduction 繁殖
牠们的孕期相对较长(长达 15 个月).哺乳期因物种而异.在熊等独居物种中,只有雌性会哺育后代.在狼等组成社会群体的物种中,后代将由整个群体哺育.
Most bat species are polygynous, where one male mates with multiple females, but there are polygynandry systems too, where multiple males mate with multiple females. Females are responsible for most of the parenting care. Males responsible for feeding and protecting young. Newborn bats cannot fly so they stay in the dwell or climb on their mothers. Usually they can fly after 2-4 weeks.
Total species known
Species in the collection
Species in Hong Kong
Nowak, R. M. (2005). Walker's Carnivores of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press.