鼷鹿科 Tragulidae (Sub-family of Artiodactyla)

鼷鹿科(Tragulidae)源于拉丁语 tragus("山羊")和拉丁语 -ulus (缩写后缀),意为 "小山羊",指的是该科的所有成员尽管体型较小,但外表却像山羊.
Tragulidae, from Latin tragus (“goat”) and Latin -ulus (diminutive suffix), means “small goat”, in reference to the fact that all the members of this family have a goat-like appearance despite being smaller.
種的俗名 Common names of members
Chevrotains, mouse deers.
分佈 Distribution
South and Southeast Asia and Central and West Africa.
體型 Size
牠们是一种类似鹿的小型动物.亚洲物种的体重在 0.7 至 8.0 公斤之间,而一些非洲物种的体重在 7 至 16 公斤之间.
They are small deer-like animals. The Asian species weigh between 0.7 and 8.0 kg, while some African species vary in 7–16 kg.
形態描述 Morphology
该科的所有物种都没有鹿角和犄角,但雌雄都有细长的犬齿.雄性的犬齿尤为突出,突出于下颌两侧.牠们的腿又短又细,每只脚有四个脚趾,但第 2 和第 5 趾已经退化.
All species in the family lack antlers and horns, but both sexes have elongated canine teeth. These are especially prominent in males, where they project out on either side of the lower jaw. Their legs are short and thin, with four toes on each foot, but the 2nd and 5th digits are reduced.
生態與棲息地 Ecology & Habitat
食性 Diet
Mainly Herbivore: grasses, leaves, fruits (rarely ingesting invertebrates).
繁殖 Reproduction
大多数都是一雄多雌制(一只雄性与多只雌性交配).雌性每年产下一只幼崽.产后,牠们会吃掉胎盘.幼体藏在森林地面上,由母亲照顾 3-6 个月.哺乳期结束后,母子将分开生活.
Most are polygamous (one male mating with multiple females). Females give birth to one young per year. After giving birth, they will eat the placenta. The young are hidden on the forest floor and taken care of by the mother for 3-6 months. After the suckling period, the mothers and the young will live separately.
Total species known
Species in the collection
Species in Hong Kong
Nowak, R. M. (1999). Walker's Mammals of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press.
Macdonald, D. W. (2006). The Encyclopedia of mammals. Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acref/9780199206087.001.0001.